Thursday 31 July 2014



The beauty of a woman
is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure she carries,
or the way she combs her hair;


The beauty of a woman
is not in a facial mole, but...
true beauty of a woman
is reflected in her soul.
The care that she gives, and...
the passion she shows; would be the...
beauty of a woman's character that grows.

Phenomenal Woman: A Lady with love.
Phenomenal Woman: An Angel above.
Phenomenal Woman: An Image of God.
Respectful, kind, and not of a facade.

A Poet with love; her age just a number,
this Woman of God would NEVER slumber. 

By Donna Wommack

Just had to share this with you..fell in love with it.Hope you do to..xoxo..


                                                BEAUTY THROUGH THE KENYAN EYE

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. But what is beauty in accordance with the Kenyan eye! A Kansas based journalist Esther Honig, in a bid to demystify the term beauty from the perspective of different cultures, assembled 40 artists,both professional and amateurs and asked them to Photoshop her free make-up face into what they considered beautiful.

According to the Americans a beautiful woman has blue or green eyes with a well made up face. For the Moroccans a beautiful woman is the one covered in a Hijab and adorned with make up whilst the Philippine a beautiful woman has long, flowy hair with red lipstick. As for the Kenyans, a woman wearing blue eye shadow is a beauty.Any Kenyan lady in the house who second this? Personally.. am like noooo..I would really love to meet that woman who reckons that blue eye shadow is the standard of beauty among Kenyan women.

What are your thoughts on this?

     Photos courtesy.